
Several families utilize the refugee garden in Cache Valley. In 2015, 6 families worked in the garden. The refugee garden provides a sense of community and access to fresh food for refugees. Image taken in 2015.
Several families utilize the refugee garden in Cache Valley. In 2015, 6 families worked in the garden. The refugee garden provides a sense of community and access to fresh food for refugees. Image taken in 2015.
Several families utilize the refugee garden in Cache Valley. The children in this photo are enjoying a day in the garden. The refugee garden provides a sense of community and access to fresh food for refugees. Image taken in 2015.
Several families utilize the refugee garden in Cache Valley. The children in this photo are enjoying a day in the garden. The refugee garden provides a sense of community and access to fresh food for refugees. Image taken in 2015.
Interview with James Wirth at the USU Permaculture Garden on 28 March 2016. The interview focuses on the history of the garden, definitions of permaculture, and future plans for the garden.
This photo should be compared to the photograph of the 1910 breadline. There are few differences between the two, showing that food insecurity and hunger are still a problem today.
Times were hard during 1938, and this blind man is feeling them. He's probably been standing on that corner for hours, waiting for some kindness from a passerby, hungry, cold, and alone. This is why the FSA (Farm Security Association) was created, to…
This photograph depicts an 18 year old mother who has been forced to move from her home in Oklahoma because of a failed farm. This was common at this time, and a lot of people moved west to places like California to try again. This mother probably…
California farms didn't use only whites, but other migrants (including immigrants). They all worked together to make a profit off their crops so they could eat and live happy lives.
At labor homes in California, people would often have a little garden to help add some extra income for the families living there. This helped curve the hunger and food insecurity problem in their little communities.
This little girl, like the migrant man, was relocated to the paradise of California with her family. She can now happily help around the farm and help reduce food insecurity in her community.
This man migrated from the east to California, the paradise of farming. He looks very content with life and looks like he is ready to work at the same time.
This photograph depicts a 32 year old mother moving from the east to the west due to food insecurity. The farms in the east began to fail, due to the dust bowl and overuse of the land, so the government created a program called the FSA (Farm Security…
This child lives on a sharecropper's farm, which was a farm where the tenant (who was normally an african american) paid the farmer in charge for the land by giving them part of the crops they got. This was usually really unfair, because this was an…
This is the logo of the Student Nutrition Access Center, located in TSC 333, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. SNAC's goal is to provide food resources for students who can't access these resources themselves.
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he is asked what changes he's seen to agriculture in Cache Valley over the last 20 years
HONRS16group4-Special Collections Farmland by Hyrum.png
This is an aerial view photo take of farmland in Cache Valley. It was taken overlooking Hyrum, Utah by Highway 89. It was taken in August 1993.
HONRS16group4-Special Collections View of Farmland in Cache Valley.png
This is an aerial view photo take of farmland in Cache Valley. North Logan is situated in the center of the image, but parts of Logan and Hyde Park can also be seen. It was taken in August 1993.
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he is asked what changes he's seen in the structure of agriculture in Cache Valley over the last 20 years
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he is asked to what extent we see national agricultural trends affecting Cache Valley and how family farms can…
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he explains several advancements in agriculture that were discovered or facilitated by research conducted at Utah…
HONRS16group4 - Growing up with the farm.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4 - Having a farm in the family for generations.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4 - How has the farm shaped your life.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4 - How the farm has changed.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4 - Land around the farm changes.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4 - Machinery changes.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4 - Were you able to support your family with the farm.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4 - What does the farm mean to you.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4 - When was the farm started.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4 - Why does your family keep farming.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4 - Would you consider selling the farm.wav
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
HONRS16group4-Acres of Land Cache Valley table.png
This is a graph depicting the acres of farm land in Cache County since 1964. The data comes from the USDA Agricultural Censuses from 1964-2012.
HONRS16group4-Cache County Land Use Change 1986 to 2012.png
This shows how land use has changed in Cache Valley between 1986 and 2015. You'll observe a noticeable trend away from farmland and toward urbanization.

This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he provides us his definition of what a family farm is as opposed to an industrial farm.

This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he provides us his definition of what a family farm is as opposed to an industrial farm.

This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he is asked what difference, if any, there is between the environmental impact had by family farms and…
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he is asked how today's farmers can be successful despite the many challenges they face.
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he is asked what impact changes in the structure of farming in Cache Valley have had on non-farmers.
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he is asked whether he knows anyone that would consider themselves to be an industrial farmer.

This is an time lapse projection from 2007 to 2030 of what Cache Valley would look like in the future given growth trends present in 2007 if they continued unabated. It was created by USU grad student Enjie Li.
This shows four time lapse projections from 2007 to 2030 of different growth scenarios for Cache County Utah given regulatory policies that aim to protect farmland from urban encroachment in some scenarios as well as water and wetlands in others.…
This is an time lapse projection from 2007 to 2030 of a growth scenario for Cache County Utah given regulatory policies thataim to protect farmland from urban encroachment. It was created by USU grad student Enjie Li.
This is an time lapse projection from 2007 to 2030 of a growth scenario for Cache County Utah given stringently enforced regulatory policies that strictly limit development near waterways and aim to protect farmland from urban encroachment. It was…
This is an time lapse projection from 2007 to 2030 of a growth scenario for Cache County Utah given regulatory policies that limit development near waterways and aim to protect farmland from urban encroachment. It was created by USU grad student…
nevada test site
This is an aerial view taken of the Utah State University Research Foundation located at 1695 Research Park Way, North Logan. It is a University Affiliated Research Center (UARC). We liked the picture because of the vibrantly colored farmland right…
4-H history.pdf
This is a timeline of the history of the 4-H club in the United States. It looks at the youth movements up to its creation and discusses the different men who had a hand in the movement.
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