The Crimson Yearbooks


The staff of the first Crimson Yearbook (1913)

The BYC first published the Crimson Annual in 1913 and during each subsequent year until the school’s closure. The yearbook was titled The Crimson all years except one year during World War I when the yearbook was called The Camouflage. This 1918 annual was dedicated to the school’s “brave soldiers and to [their] gallant sailors now representing this student body.”

The foreword in the inaugural 1913 yearbook notes the students’ purpose and desires for the publication of an annual yearbook:

Believing as we do in the future of the Brigham Young College, and actuated by a sincere desire to contribute something that shall shed added lustre to the institution and give us an enduring satisfaction and a pleasant reminder of school days, the Student Body have attempted the creation of an annual publication that will carry in pictures, poetry and prose some of the happiness that comes to us as school companions. It is our ambition that this volume shall be the forerunner of many to follow, and that each succeeding year shall witness increased enthusiasm and effort in making the Year-Book a permanent and admirable monument to the students of the college. If this result is accomplished, and if these pages succeed in adding a little more joy to the lives of those who possess them then, indeed, are we compensated for our efforts.

To view the yearbooks, click on an image of a yearbook cover below. This will open a new page describing that particular yearbook. Then click on the large image of the yearbook cover in order to scroll through the pages of that yearbook. The Special Collections & Archives at Utah State University has copies of all the Crimson Annuals with the exception of two: the 1922 and 1923 editions; therefore, they are the only two not present in this digital exhibit.